CREHO work


Since 2004, CREHO has reached more than a thousand key players and other important number of people from the community in general, in compliance with its strategic objectives and lines of action. In this way, it generates and motivates a critical mass around the importance of conserving wetlands, increasing the recognition of the existence of the Ramsar Convention and its technical guidelines for the implementation of conservation and management measures in wetlands.

Through its actions, CREHO has promoted the knowledge and use of some of Ramsar’s main resolutions and guidelines, such as: rational use, management, inventory, environmental impact assessment, wetland committees and policies, and CECoP. CREHO has diversified the means it uses to increase its presence and position the theme of wetlands in key sectors, taking advantage of existing forums and spaces, thus avoiding duplication and enhancing its interventions, adding and supporting other processes, initiatives, existing actors and resources in the region. CREHO is mandated to work with the 30 member countries of the Ramsar convention in the Americas.

Since the beginning of its operations in 2004, permanent changes, specialized courses and workshops have been carried out, as well as having participated in regional initiatives and networks as well as signing cooperation agreements with other entities.

Currently, CREHO has been responsible for training more than 300 professionals and technicians linked to wetlands, from the government sector (including a significant percentage of Ramsar focal points who have been given full scholarships to attend courses and workshops), members of civil society, particularly NGOs, academia and the private sector.